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Planning a 4th of July Party or outdoor BBQ? Here are my best and easiest recipe ideas: drinks, sides, main course, and dessert!

4th of July Recipe Ideas 2014

Planning a 4th of July Party or outdoor BBQ?  Here are my best and easiest recipe ideas: drinks, sides, main course, and dessert! The 4th of July is in FOUR days.  I can’t believe...

Super easy, healthy restaurant-quality Grilled Pesto Chicken and Tomato Kabobs recipe for summer grilling and entertaining!

Grilled Pesto Chicken and Tomato Kabobs

Super easy, healthy restaurant-quality Grilled Pesto Chicken and Tomato Kabobs recipe for summer grilling and entertaining!  They are cheap to make, gluten free, and low carb. Aloha from Hawaii and welcome to these Grilled...

Memorial Day recipe roundup ideas for grilling out or picnics.

Memorial Day Recipe Ideas

Memorial Day is just over a week away!  I gathered together some of my favorite drink, side dish, appetizer, dessert and grilling recipes that I think you should definitely add to your menu. I...

Cinco de Mayo recipe roundup of all Mexican food appetizers and dinners

Cinco de Mayo Recipes 2014

The best dinner and appetizer recipes for celebrating Cinco de Mayo. You will find all of your favorite Mexican food dishes here! It’s that time of year, everyone! You know what I’m talking about:...

Carrot Cake Oatmeal Bake Recipe (guest post from Clean Eating Veggie Girl)

Pumpkin Carrot Cake Oatmeal Bake

 It tastes like dessert, but is healthy enough for breakfast! Baked Pumpkin Carrot Oatmeal recipe is a great “fix ahead” breakfast or snack option. OK so I have a really great guest post for...

S'mores Pie dessert Recipe with a graham cracker crust and marshmallow creme

Labor Day Weekend Recipe Roundup

Labor Day Weekend Recipe Roundup is everything you need for food ideas with your outdoor picnics and holiday BBQ’s! So long, Summer.  I blinked and you were gone and I’m very sad to see...

Fruit Pizzas for 4th of July or Memorial Day. Very festive and patriotic!

4th of July Recipe Roundup

News flash: July 4th is in TWO days. Say whaaaa??  I can’t believe it’s the month of July already.  I seriously need to figure out a way to slow down time.  I’ll get right on...

Thai Chicken Quinoa Bowl Recipe

Thai Chicken Quinoa Bowl

Easy Thai Chicken Quinoa Bowl recipe is gluten free, healthy, and light Thai dinner or lunch recipe that comes together in less than 20 minutes! I am absolutely obsessed with this Thai Chicken Quinoa Bowl...