Bruschetta Chicken Pasta
Bruschetta Chicken Pasta recipe with a simple but flavorful bruschetta, seasoned chicken, and balsamic glaze that brings the whole dish together. Easy dinner recipe! I love bruschetta and, as an Italian, I know how...
Bruschetta Chicken Pasta recipe with a simple but flavorful bruschetta, seasoned chicken, and balsamic glaze that brings the whole dish together. Easy dinner recipe! I love bruschetta and, as an Italian, I know how...
Make Taco Tuesday a little wacky with Big Mac Tacos recipe! This taco recipe is low carb with the tortillas, and all the same great taste of a McDonald’s Big Mac, but without the...
Turkey Cake Pops are so fun to make and festive for fall! The entire family will enjoy these turkey pops for an easy Thanksgiving dessert recipe. These Turkey Cake pops are so fun to...
Cozy Fall Family Meals that are perfect for cool nights. These fall dinner recipe ideas are the ultimate stick-to-your-ribs comfort food. These soups, stews, braises and bakes will help you make the most out...
Beefy Baked Beans are my favorite side dish recipe! Beans get mixed with ground beef, onion and bell pepper, brown sugar, ketchup, mustard and Worcestershire before getting topped with a peppered brown sugar bacon. ...
Orange Creamsicle Dessert Recipes that will totally brighten up your summer! They are the best way to satisfy your creamsicle craving in different dessert forms! These recipes are nostalgic, tasty and easy to make! If...
Loaded Deviled Egg Salad is a fun twist on the traditional egg salad recipe! It’s packed with flavor, great for Easter or any holiday, and makes a great lunch. This Loaded Deviled Egg Salad...
These golden and crispy deep-fried Idaho finger steaks recipe is what happens when chicken-fried steak meets chicken fingers but in BEEF form. You can dip them in my homemade “Country Sweet Sauce”, bottled cocktail...
This recipe for Glazed Spiral Ham with a sweet glaze uses a fully-cooked ham and is a great centerpiece for your Christmas, Easter, or Thanksgiving dinner table! The flavor and texture will be a...
This Crock Pot Beef Stew recipe is chunks of tender beef cooked with shallots in a rich aromatic sauce for the ultimate comfort food! This, my friends, is exactly how you spell comfort food. Yeah. Up...
White Chicken Chili recipe flavorful blend of tender chicken, white beans and just enough spice! This is my new favorite chili recipe for a cold winter day! My only three words for this bowl of...
Roasting a chicken is easier than you think! This roast chicken with vegetables recipe yields a moist, golden bird with savory vegetables that will all be ready to eat at the same time! Hello,...