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Planning a 4th of July Party or outdoor BBQ? Here are my best and easiest recipe ideas: drinks, sides, main course, and dessert!

4th of July Recipe Ideas 2014

Planning a 4th of July Party or outdoor BBQ?  Here are my best and easiest recipe ideas: drinks, sides, main course, and dessert! The 4th of July is in FOUR days.  I can’t believe...

An easy, yet very delicious pasta salad is the perfect side dish for any BBQ, picnic, pot luck, or cook out.

Simple Pasta Salad

An easy, yet very delicious pasta salad recipe that is the perfect side dish for any BBQ, picnic, pot luck, or cook out. I know the 4th of July is coming up so I’m...

Father's Day Manly Recipe Ideas for grilling or cooking inside.

Manly Meal Ideas for Father’s Day

 Father’s Day has arrived.  Prepare your deserving hubby or father a meal that’s fit for a king to celebrate his wonderfulness.  I gathered together a winning collection of recipes (grilling and non-grilling) that are...

Tandoori Chicken Burger recipe made on naan bread perfect for any summer BBQ, picnic, or fourth of July cook out.

Tandoori Chicken Burgers

Fresh, easy, and healthy Tandoori Chicken Burger recipe with mint Greek yogurt sauce made on naan bread perfect for any summer BBQ, picnic, or 4th of July cook out. Welcome to a new week...

Homemade Pasta Roni recipe or creamy garlic noodles. Perfect main course or side dish.

Homemade Pasta Roni

Homemade recipe for rich and creamy garlic noodles, also known as “Pasta Roni”! This homemade version of pasta roni is sooo much better than the boxed stuff you buy at the store.  It’s super...

Memorial Day recipe roundup ideas for grilling out or picnics.

Memorial Day Recipe Ideas

Memorial Day is just over a week away!  I gathered together some of my favorite drink, side dish, appetizer, dessert and grilling recipes that I think you should definitely add to your menu. I...

Chipotle Chicken Taco Salad is a delicious and healthy Mexican food dish made with avocado and Greek yogurt.

Chipotle Chicken Taco Salad

This healthy Chipotle Chicken Taco Salad recipe is covered with a creamy lime Greek yogurt dressing, avocado, tomatoes, and shredded chicken.  This is the only salad recipe I can honestly say I have LOVED...

Chicken Avocado Spring Rolls Recipe with Avocados from Mexico

Chicken Avocado Spring Rolls

Chicken Avocado Spring Rolls Spring rolls recipe with Thai dipping sauce are one of my go-to spring or summertime meals. If you’re looking for something fairly quick and simple but more exciting than a...

Chicken Fajita Dippers Recipe. Great for an appetizer.

Chicken Fajita Dippers

These delicious Baked Chicken Fajita Dippers make a great party appetizer, especially for a Mexican-themed meal.  They are best when you dip them in salsa or guacamole. Oh hey!  How was your weekend?  Mine...

S'mores Pie dessert Recipe with a graham cracker crust and marshmallow creme

Labor Day Weekend Recipe Roundup

Labor Day Weekend Recipe Roundup is everything you need for food ideas with your outdoor picnics and holiday BBQ’s! So long, Summer.  I blinked and you were gone and I’m very sad to see...

Caprese Pasta Salad Recipe that is great for any BBQ or party where you need to feed a crowd. Easy!

Caprese Pasta Salad

Caprese Pasta Salad recipe with tomatoes and mozzarella is great for a summer grilling side dish and perfect for a picnic or BBQ! When it comes to summer grilling, there are a few dishes...