Red Velvet Truffles
This is the perfect Valentine’s Day Red Velvet Truffles recipe. If you’re looking for a small, easy Valentine dessert after a decadent meal, these truffles are a simple, fresh and sweet treat! Is it...
This is the perfect Valentine’s Day Red Velvet Truffles recipe. If you’re looking for a small, easy Valentine dessert after a decadent meal, these truffles are a simple, fresh and sweet treat! Is it...
Banana Bread French Toast recipe is a great breakfast for preparing ahead and it’s loaded with banana flavor! No need to wait for the weekend to enjoy French toast when you can cook up this...
Banana Pudding Pancakes are flavorful enough you don’t even need the syrup! They are a quick and easy breakfast or brunch recipe you will love! Totally serving you breakfast today. Oh, and happy belated...
Celebration Champagne Cupcakes recipe is perfect for birthdays, Mother’s Day brunch or a New Year’s Eve dessert! They are jazzed up with gold sprinkles to add some glam! Look how pretty things are looking...
This Coffee Punch recipe is not for the faint of heart! Who doesn’t love a large punch bowl overflowing with frothy goodness for the holidays, New Year’s Eve, or a bridal shower! Are you ready...
Classic Chocolate Hazelnut Crinkle Cookies recipe are rich, chewy cookies with hazelnuts, cocoa, and chocolate. They are irresistible cookies for Christmas and only a few simple steps to make! Say hello to Chocolate Hazelnut Crinkle...
Quick and easy Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies recipe are my favorite Christmas shortbread cookie recipe! These cookies are so tender, buttery and delicate! The chocolate chips are the perfect addition. Right now the way to...
This Holiday Sugar Cookie Bars recipe is the easiest way to make sugar cookies! They are SO delicious topped off with a sweet, creamy frosting! Holiday Sugar Cookie Bars are GOLD and just perfect for...
Golden brown Microwave Peanut Brittle recipe is the perfect sweet & salty treat for the holidays with the perfect crunch and sheen! A great edible gift for Christmas! The Christmas candy obsession continues. I made...
This is a super festive Holiday Mimosas recipe for whether you’re hosting a holiday brunch or an elegant holiday party that will brighten everyone’s day! Holiday Mimosas for Christmas morning, coming right up! Little...
Bite-size soft and buttery Christmas Sugar Cookie Bites are one of my favorite Christmas desserts and a unique take on a classic frosted sugar cookie! Christmas Sugar Cookie Bites will make you the absolute happiest this...
Easy Edible Cookie Dough Bombs recipe is outrageously good, made with no eggs, and especially perfect for Christmas dessert trays! Go put on your stretchy pants. No, seriously. Go do it now. Some days,...