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Need dinner ideas? We are here to help you out with plenty of great ideas for dinner, side dishes, and sweets for the week!

Weekly Meal Plan {Week 33}

Need dinner ideas? We are here to help you out with plenty of great ideas for dinner, side dishes, and sweets for the week!  Weekly Meal Plan Week 33 The weekend is here!! I...

Italian Pork Cutlet Florentine recipe is the perfect meal to serve to guests any time of the year. Thin, boneless, juicy pork chops pan fried to perfection for an easy, fancy holiday meal.

Italian Pork Cutlet Florentine

Italian Pork Cutlet Florentine recipe is such a simple way to mix up your dinner routine!  Juicy, boneless breaded pork chops combine with many different flavors for the perfect meal. *I developed this Italian...

French Onion Soup Rice takes only four ingredients to make and tastes delicious as a side dish.

French Onion Rice Bake

It only takes 4 ingredients to make this easy French Onion Soup Rice side dish that is packed full of flavor!  It goes wonderfully with any main course and is great to serve to...

25+ Recipes for Thanksgiving including dinners, desserts, side dishes, and beverages. You will be holiday ready in no time at all after checking these ideas out!

25+ Recipes for Thanksgiving

25+ Recipes for Thanksgiving including dinners, desserts, side dishes, and beverages. You will be holiday ready in no time at all after checking these ideas out! It’s never too early to start thinking about...

Citrus marinated Grilled Chicken Fresco Soft Tacos recipe topped with a spoonful of Pico de Gallo are light, healthy and the perfect weeknight dinner.

Grilled Chicken Fresco Soft Tacos

Citrus marinated Grilled Chicken Fresco Soft Tacos recipe topped with a spoonful of Pico de Gallo are light, healthy and the perfect weeknight dinner. I have no shame on this blog so I am just...