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Spinach-Basil Pesto Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe for National Grilled Cheese Month in April

Spinach-Basil Pesto Grilled Cheese Sandwich

April is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month. That’s right: somebody somewhere has proclaimed this popular and beloved comfort food worthy of a month-long celebration that it so deserves. I have been experimenting with grilled...

Easy Salted Caramel Easter Popcorn recipe for spring!

Salted Caramel Easter Popcorn

This is the best recipe for fun and easy salted caramel Easter popcorn that your family will love! It would be perfect for a spring party or for your kids’ classroom. Jumping right from...

Confetti Cake Batter Cookies. Made with box cake mix and sprinkles.

Confetti Cake Batter Cookies

I’ve mentioned in prior posts of mine that sometimes I like to have a recipe on hand that I can whip up quickly when having unexpected company or event to attend.  This is one...

Reese's Pieces Blondies

Reese’s Pieces Blondies

Reese’s Pieces Blondies are my favorite chewy blonde brownie recipe. This easy dessert recipe has the perfect compliment of peanut butter and chocolate packed into these scrumptious blondie bars! This Reese’s Pieces Blondies recipe is a...