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Planning a 4th of July Party or outdoor BBQ? Here are my best and easiest recipe ideas: drinks, sides, main course, and dessert!

4th of July Recipe Ideas 2014

Planning a 4th of July Party or outdoor BBQ?  Here are my best and easiest recipe ideas: drinks, sides, main course, and dessert! The 4th of July is in FOUR days.  I can’t believe...

An easy, yet very delicious pasta salad is the perfect side dish for any BBQ, picnic, pot luck, or cook out.

Simple Pasta Salad

An easy, yet very delicious pasta salad recipe that is the perfect side dish for any BBQ, picnic, pot luck, or cook out. I know the 4th of July is coming up so I’m...

Homemade Pasta Roni recipe or creamy garlic noodles. Perfect main course or side dish.

Homemade Pasta Roni

Homemade recipe for rich and creamy garlic noodles, also known as “Pasta Roni”! This homemade version of pasta roni is sooo much better than the boxed stuff you buy at the store.  It’s super...

Memorial Day recipe roundup ideas for grilling out or picnics.

Memorial Day Recipe Ideas

Memorial Day is just over a week away!  I gathered together some of my favorite drink, side dish, appetizer, dessert and grilling recipes that I think you should definitely add to your menu. I...

Chipotle Chicken Taco Salad is a delicious and healthy Mexican food dish made with avocado and Greek yogurt.

Chipotle Chicken Taco Salad

This healthy Chipotle Chicken Taco Salad recipe is covered with a creamy lime Greek yogurt dressing, avocado, tomatoes, and shredded chicken.  This is the only salad recipe I can honestly say I have LOVED...

The best easy homemade dinner rolls I have ever made! This recipe came out perfectly fluffy and soft and would be a great side dish.

The Best Homemade Dinner Rolls

The best easy homemade dinner rolls I have ever made!  This roll recipe came out perfectly fluffy and soft and would be a great side dish to accompany any meal.  Serve these warm and...

A collection of Easter recipe ideas for dessert, main course, appetizer, and drink.

Easter Recipe Ideas

 If you are in search of Easter Dinner or Dessert Recipe Ideas, you have come to the right place! I am sharing some ideas with you for Easter Dinner appetizers, main dish, drinks and dessert that...

Peanut Butter Cup Cookies made with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for Christmas

Christmas Dessert Ideas 2013

Christmas is coming up in just a few days (can hardly believe it) and I wanted to give you all a few last minute Christmas cookie and dessert ideas.  Every year I tend to...

Cinnamon Apple Pie Bread Recipe. Apple Pie in a loaf form. Perfect for fall.

Thanksgiving Menu Ideas 2013

The best Thanksgiving Menu Recipe Ideas for 2013: appetizers, desserts, main course, drinks. Thanksgiving is upon us once again and Americans will be stuffing themselves on turkey, stuffing and their favorite side dishes in...

Crispy Lemon Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe. Great for a Thanksgiving side dish!

Crispy Lemon Roasted Brussels Sprouts

These roasted brussels sprouts are the perfect holiday side dish recipe – simply seasoned with salt, pepper, lemon juice and olive oil, then slow-roasted in a very hot oven until nice and crispy. I...