Cookie Dough Bread
Cookie Dough Bread (with a dairy-free version) is a simple, quick dessert bread recipe great for a holiday breakfast, holiday dessert, or just to enjoy as a weekend breakfast idea! Because I love all...
Cookie Dough Bread (with a dairy-free version) is a simple, quick dessert bread recipe great for a holiday breakfast, holiday dessert, or just to enjoy as a weekend breakfast idea! Because I love all...
Snowy North Pole Cupcakes are the cutest Christmas dessert recipe when you need a fun, creative holiday treat! Great for kids who want to help bake! Let’s think of the sweetest way to spread...
No-Bake Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Balls recipe: chocolate-covered peanut butter balls get a crispy upgrade for the best Christmas dessert! They are the perfect bite-size treat for the holidays! It’s hard to believe it’s...
My famous Homemade Cream Puffs recipe: light and airy cream puffs filled with vanilla pudding cream are always a hit with family and anyone I’ve served them to. If you want an impressive, pretty...
My Favorite Cut-Out Sugar Cookies is the holiday recipe for super soft cut-outs I’ve been using since I was a little kid. You won’t find a better way of making them for Christmas or...
Dill Pickle Dip is a quick and easy appetizer recipe for the holidays, potluck, gathering with friends, movie night, or any occasion! Hello to all of my pickle freaks. Did you know that pickles...
Kodak Moments and Baby’s First Christmas: capturing those special moments of our first Christmas as a family of three. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family, ate lots...
A copy-cat recipe of Carrabba’s Italian Grill, this slow Cooker Sicilian Chicken Soup is a hearty comfort food Italian soup recipe for the fall and winter! You will love it because it’s made right...
Salted Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars is a great fall baking recipe with a shortbread crust, cheesecake filling, and an irresistible streusel topping. The salted caramel drizzle makes these the perfect fall dessert for Thanksgiving...
Soft, fluffy Pumpkin Snickerdoodles are a great fall treat and one of the most delicious pumpkin cookie recipes you’ll ever taste! They would be a great holiday dessert! I have been straight up obsessed...
Classic Overnight Blueberry French Toast Casserole is the perfect breakfast or brunch dish that makes for a beautiful presentation and tastes as good as it looks! This is great for an easy potluck recipe,...
Philly Cheesesteak Baked Egg Rolls recipe with gooey, melted cheese and juicy beef makes for a tasty dinner or party appetizer ready in no time at all! I made these Philly Cheesesteak Baked Egg...