Strawberry Crunch Cookies
This recipe for Strawberry Crunch Cookies tastes exactly like those strawberry sundae crunch ice cream bars you ate as a kid! These cookies are perfect for Valentine’s Day and spring! Remember those delicious strawberry...
This recipe for Strawberry Crunch Cookies tastes exactly like those strawberry sundae crunch ice cream bars you ate as a kid! These cookies are perfect for Valentine’s Day and spring! Remember those delicious strawberry...
Crock Pot Green Chili Chicken Enchilada Soup recipe is a fiesta of flavors full of chunks of chicken, green enchilada sauce, salsa verde, for a complete satisfying and comforting bowl of soup! Chicken Enchilada...
Buffalo Chicken Wing Dip recipe takes the delicious taste of buffalo chicken wings but puts them in an easy to make dip. With just 5 ingredients, you are sure to fall in love with...
Grinch Cookie Cup Bites recipe is inspired by Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas! They are chewy sugar cookies that have been colored green and adorned with a red heart for a fun holiday...
Christmas Ritz Cracker Candy recipe is a quick stovetop toffee poured over buttery Ritz crackers, coated in chocolate and topped with sprinkles. Once cooled, it is cracked into chunks and ready to be enjoyed! This is...
Secret Ingredient Fudge recipe is made with Velveeta Cheese and a great Christmas dessert! It’s fudgy, rich, and has the perfect texture. Enjoy it straight from the fridge for the ultimate holiday snack! Why,...
Italian Wine Cookies (Ciambelle al Vino) recipe are a perfect addition to your holiday cookie trays These cookies are light, crunchy, easy to make and made with wine. These are great with coffee! If...
Cinnamon Roll Cookies are thick, soft, buttery cookies, swirled with cinnamon sugar and the perfect Christmas cookie! All the flavors of a cinnamon roll in an amazing cookie recipe! Hello, Christmas friends! I have...
Easy Cinnamon Roll Dip is a decadent, crazy simple dessert recipe for any holiday or a sweet breakfast idea! It only takes about 15 minutes from start to finish! Cinnamon Roll Dip to the...
Peanut Butter Thumbprint Cookies are a peanut butter lovers favorite cookie recipe and perfect for Christmas cookie exchanges! Christmas cookie baking season is here! We love making these Peanut Butter Thumbprint Cookies as a...
Crock Pot Caramel Hot Chocolate is an incredibly simple big batch recipe for the holidays or any occasion that packs a wonderful chocolate flavor punch and is super creamy deliciousness! This Crock Pot Caramel...
Rice Krispies Treats Wreath Cake is a super easy Christmas dessert recipe and is so much fun to make and enjoy. You will enjoy putting this together and sharing with your family and friends!...