Baked Honey Sesame Chicken
Baked Honey Sesame Chicken recipe is better than Chinese take-out and is perfect when you want great tasting Chinese food without all of the fat from the deep frying! Open, sesame! I love love...
Baked Honey Sesame Chicken recipe is better than Chinese take-out and is perfect when you want great tasting Chinese food without all of the fat from the deep frying! Open, sesame! I love love...
Easy Skinny Thai Peanut Chicken Meatballs recipe served over rice with an abundance of sweet, and a bit spicy, coconut peanut butter sauce that you will want to just eat with a spoon! This...
Chicken Fajita Quesadillas are the perfect weeknight meal recipe and great for Mexican food night! They’re so easy to make right at home and you’ll love this variation of the traditional quesadilla. If you...
This extremely easy recipe for Crock Pot Creamy Ranch Chicken and Potatoes is the best comfort food meal, easy enough to cook for dinner guests, and will leave your house smelling divine! So I...
Maple Mustard Bacon Chicken Skillet where the chicken comes out super tender and the creamy sauce is to die for! This easy chicken dinner recipe is full of flavor and will become a new...
This hearty Chicken Cacciatore is so easy to make and the rich, thick broth is delicious. We love it served over pasta or with a side of rice and it’s the perfect choice for...
This Spicy Chicken Riggies recipe is one of my favorite Italian pasta dishes with the perfect amount of kick to it in a creamy tomato sauce. The whole family will love this. Serve this...
Comforting Chicken Alfredo Tortellini Soup recipe where the flavors blend together so well everyone will be begging for seconds! The Parmesan Alfredo sauce is the special ingredient that makes this hearty soup rich and...
Creamy, comforting chicken and dumplings recipe made in the crock pot that couldn’t be easier to make. Just throw everything in your slow cooker and dinner is ready! Is there any meal more comforting...
Your party guests will love this recipe for Avocado Chicken Salad Pinwheels. Creamy chicken salad rolled up in tortillas for a healthy game day appetizer or lunch/dinner for your whole family! Avocado Chicken Salad Pinwheels are...
One Pan Sour Cream Chicken Enchilada Skillet recipe made quick and easy in a skillet with corn tortillas pieces, cooked chicken, and a cheesy sauce! Hello, everyone! I’ve been on a one pan dinner rampage lately....
Cheesy Cajun Chicken Pierogy Bake Recipe is classic comfort food that will take your weeknight dinner to a whole new level. It is all made in one pot, complete with chicken and veggies! Happy...