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 I am dedicating my first post to currently being amidst the transition of the seasons – and the joy of harvest!  Summer is my favorite season and I’m sad to see it go.  The hot and humid weather we had never bothered me because I just adore being warm. Being outside without a jacket on, especially in the evenings, has always been something I prized the most during the summer months.  You will hear me exclaim multiple times from the months of June through August, “It’s 10 p.m and I’m outside…without a coat…and I’m NOT cold!”  The simple joys in life :o)  I was outdoors every spare second I got this summer but, alas, all good things come to an end. 


Many people view the changes Autumn brings as merely a precursor to Winter. I’m trying to embrace each season as my husband has enlightened me in the past few years of how fortunate we are here in NY and how rare it is to live in a part of the world that has the 4 true seasons.  How boring would it be to have everything remain green and have sunny weather all year round?  (Remind me of this thought when I’m cursing out the snow and ice in a couple of months).

The fact that the temperature only reached 58 degrees today tells me that Fall is fast-approaching.   As gloomy as it is to see the days getting shorter and the temperatures rapidly cooling, I always try to look at what I love about the Fall season; the sound that leaves make as they crunch under your feet, the smell of the crisp air, looking at fall foliage in the park, trips to Farmer’s markets, the scent of apple pies baking, hayrides, brisk hikes in the park, the brilliant array of Fall colors, and the sheer exquisiteness of how the leaves change colors during this time of year.  I am going to try to embrace it.


“So here’s to all those summer nights when my feet hit the sand and the waves break my fall and all my friends around me out number the stars.”


‘Til we meet again, sweet Summer!

A mommy swan (pen) and her cygnets at Durand Eastman Park.

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