Glazed Chicken Sausage Pineapple Bites
Glazed Chicken Sausage Pineapple Bites are an easy sweet & savory recipe to throw together at the last minute and make for a great party, holiday or game day appetizer! Can we stop for...
Glazed Chicken Sausage Pineapple Bites are an easy sweet & savory recipe to throw together at the last minute and make for a great party, holiday or game day appetizer! Can we stop for...
Crispy Almond Coconut Crusted Chicken Tenders with Mango Honey Dip recipe is a fun and tasty way to prepare chicken tenders! You will love the sweet dipping sauce! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the combination...
Chicken Club Sausage Pasta Salad recipe has all the flavors of the classic club sandwich in this easy side dish that is ready in a flash for any dinner or picnic! It is a...
Easy, protein-packed Hawaiian Pineapple Chicken Sausage Kabobs recipe is a fabulous and fool-proof way to serve up a complete dinner on the grill this summer! What is summer with some serious grilling action? This...
This recipe for Crock Pot Hard Cider BBQ Chicken Wings is packed full of flavor and the easiest, most effortless party appetizer or dinner you can possibly make! Happy Friday to all! This first...
I’m so excited to share this quick and easy Crock Pot Creamy Salsa Verde Chicken Taquitos recipe that is perfect for a main course or appetizer and drizzled with my favorite avocado spread. If...
This Crock Pot Cheesy Chicken Sausage Hash Brown Casserole recipe takes 10 minutes of work, is easy and super tasty! Perfect for breakfast, pot luck, or Mother’s Day brunch! I’m currently getting a case...
This Chicken Bellagio dinner recipe is a copy-cat of the popular Cheesecake Factory chicken and pasta dish with crispy, juicy pan-fried chicken, spaghetti coated in a creamy Parmesan pesto cream sauce and topped with...
Buffalo Chicken Sausage Macaroni & Cheese recipe is all the flavors of Buffalo chicken and macaroni and cheese combined in one tasty, comforting dish with a slight kick to it! Including this new Buffalo...
Avocado Chicken Salad Crostini is a quick and healthy appetizer recipe perfect for parties, showers and spring entertaining! It’s finally spring time! I say “finally” but really we can hardly call what we had...
Easy Greek Chicken Soft Tacos are made in only a half hour and combine the flavors of Mexican tacos and Greek cuisine into one tasty, healthy, recipe! I love these Greek Chicken Soft Tacos....
One Pot Creamy Greek Orzo with Chicken Sausage recipe – nothing says comfort food like a big bowl of creamy pasta packed full of veggies. It has all the Greek flavors you will love!...